Call or Email Tracey between 9am & 5pm on weekdays

0404 673 355

Display Suite, South Yarra.

Interior Styling Service

The Location:

Yarra One” apartment block, South Yarra.  

The Brief:

I was asked to furnish and style the display suite for this new building to assist with sales. The suite itself was sold within a couple of weeks! The building’s brand colours are emerald green which I brought into the living area.  

The Process:

The design concept is modern, casual luxury. The furniture was specifically chosen to help make make the rooms feel larger (note the glass table, furniture on slim legs and the master bed without a bedhead to save space).  

Most of the detail in this apartment comes from textures and modern artwork. 

The Client’s Feedback:

My client was so impressed with the design provided that he asked me to furnish and style another display apartment within the building!